

    AppleInc. ispreparing to bolsteritsstream ing-m usic business w itha proposed $3.2billiondeal toacquireBeats Electronics LLC,thehigh-endheadphonem akerthat recentlylaunchedtheBeats M usic subscriptionservice,accordingtopeople fam iliar w iththe m atter.

    据知情人士透露,苹果公司计划以32亿美元收购近期推出音乐订购服务的高端耳机制造商B eats电子公司,以支持自身流媒体音乐业务发展。(《华尔街日报》)

    Thedeal w as characterizedas apotentiallandm arkfor A pple. If com pleted,it w ouldbethecom pany’s biggest acquisitionbyfar,andunusual in thatA pple w ould be buying acom panythat alreadyhadafirm lyestablishedconsum er brand.


    Beatsw asfounded by m usicproducerJim m yIovine andthe hip-hopstar D r D re anduntilrecently w as best know n for itsheadphones. It starteda subscription-basedm u-sic stream ingserviceearlier this year. H ow ev-er,A pplealready hasitsow n iT unesstorew hich is thew orld’s largest m usicdow nloadservice. It alsolaunchediT unes R adiolast year.T hat has m ade som e industryw atchers questionthem ove. Jam esM cQ uivey,an analyst w ithF orrester,said therew asa big overlap ofcustom ers betw eenthe tw ofirm s.


    The reportedprice is alsoahuge prem iumonBeats’s previous valuation. Beats w as valuedat just $1bn afteritslast fundingroundinSeptem ber,w hichsaw it get a $500m invest-m ent from the Carlyle G roup.


    Investors are still strugglingtom ake senseof w hyC E O T im C ookw ouldbreakA pple’sdecades-long tradition ofrelatively m inoracquisitionsof about $200m illion to $400m illion. M ost observers sayit’s goingafter am ixof technologyandm usic industrytalent inaneffort torevive digital m usic sales.



    Thepotential deal w ould provideA pplew ith anentreeintotw oburgeoningm arkets:high-endheadphonesandsubscription m usic.Services that charge am onthlyfee for access toanunlim itedam ount of m usic are grow ingrap-idly,led by Spotify A B,w hich countsm orethan10m illionpayingsubscribers w orld-w ide,accordingtoa personfam iliar w iththe m atter.

    这项可能的交易将为苹果提供进军两大发展迅速的市场的机会:高端耳机和订购音乐。据一名知情人士称,每月收取固定费用、提供无限量音乐的服务正在快速增长,以瑞典流媒体音乐服务商Spotify A B为首,该公司在全球范围内拥有逾1000万付费用户。(《华尔街日报》)

    By contrast,salesofsong and albumdow nloads have flattenedrecently,after years ofexplosivegrow th that m adeA pple‘siT unesStorethebiggest m usicretailer inthew orld.U .S . digital tracksales fell 6% last year to1.3billion,w hiledigital album salesw ereflat at118m illion,accordingtoN ielsenSoundScan.

    相比之下,数字音乐下载的销售量近来有所下降。过去几年的爆炸式增长使得苹果的iT unes商店一跃成为世界最大音乐零售商。但根据市场研究公司N ielsenSoundScan发布的数据,美国数字单曲销售量在去年下滑6%至13亿首,数字唱片销量持平于1.18亿。(《华尔街日报》)

    Apple,w hichtransform edthem usic indus-tryin2003w iththe iT unes store but has beenhesitant toenterthestream ing m arket,w asfinallytaking theplunge. If A pplem akesam ajor m arketingpushfor Beats’s subscriptionm odel—or,even better,if A ppleintegratesBeats intoits ecosystem of onlineservices andphysical products—it couldm eanabiglift forstream ing.

    苹果在2003年用iT unes商店改变了音乐产业,但一直对进入流媒体市场犹豫不决,如今终于决定采取行动。如果苹果对Beats的订购服务模式进行大力营销宣传,甚至将其融入自身在线服务和数码产品系统中,这可能大大提升流媒体的发展。(《纽约时报》)

    Neither A pple nor Beats has confirm ed the acqui-sition talks,at least officially,though they w ere con-firm ed by people briefed on the discussions who spokeon the condition of anonym ity.
